Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lunch or beer

In Finland having a lunch buffet during the workweek is common practice. Emploeyrs are allowed to give a lunch benefit of 13,5 euros per workday for their employees which often determines the price of the lunch. The lunch price also includes also a drink but if you want to have a beer with your lunch which is not common in Finland you have to pay for the beer almost 10 euros. For example celebrity cook Kape Aihinen has critized the buffet culture because serving lunch doesn't bring much income to his restaurants. He explained that main reason for him to serve the lunch is to be able to offer work for his employees also during the day and keep them that way more satisfied. Aihinen mentioned also that a great sommelier is very valuable for a restaurant. My conclusion is that lunch is cheap and beer is expensive for the consumer. Which makes selling alcohol profitable business and selling lunch very low margin profit business.