In the Finnish media there is a discussion going on how workforce is needed in Finland. Many politicians say that Finland needs more immigrants but in the same time there are educated immigrants in Finland who say that how difficult it is to get a job in Finland. Often the lack of fluency in Finnish leanguage makes entering the workforce difficult, especially in the white collar jobs. Reasons what I have not seen discussed in media why Finland is not attracting highly educated and skilled workforce is progressive income taxation and comparatevily low income level. If you are a top earner in Finland you take care of your own house work for example take care of the garden in the summer, clean the snow in the winter, clean your house, take care of your kids etc. In India or in Colombia you might get paid about the same in similar level job but you can afford to pay someone else to take care of these kind of things. One with high level of income can think is it nicer live with benefits of a society with low income level differences or in a society with high income level differences.
Monday, January 29, 2024
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