Saturday, February 16, 2019
Utilily costs in Spain
Spain has the reputation to be cheaper than Finland. Surprisingly example grocery basket was cheaper in Finland than in Spain. In this post I am going the compare my Spanish electricity bill to my Finnish electricity bill. In Finland my one month electricity bill was 22,05 EUR with the consumption of 175/kWh. In Spain my one month electricity bill was 115,34 EUR with the consumption of 440/kWh. Both of the bills are from winter months and there was not gas available in my apartment in neither of the countries. I can tell that even though it was much more colder outside in Finland my 50 m² apartment was much warmer in Finland than in Spain during the winter. In Spain my 33 m² apartment did not even have a radiator and still the electricity bill was more high. Heating the water tank and keeping the house warm during the winter gets expensive in Spain. The nordic people who spend their first winter in Spain the coldness of the apartment might come as a surprise and keeping the apartment warm might bring you a surprisingly big electricity bill.
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