Monday, December 30, 2024

Top Post 2023 - 2024

The Christmas was not white in the capital area of Finland in 2024

Below listed the top posts from the last two years.

1. Awesome book by Author Lotta-Sofia Saahko and I ended up reading her other great books too

2. Buying a house is not necessarily the best investment of your life

3. Insight to real estate investing in Spain

4. Finland is one of the top tax collectors of the world

5. My self improvement tips for sleeping

Top posts from previous years 2021 - 2022, 2019 - 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Learning the local language

Helsingin Sanomat has published two essays (Language discrimination drives away foreign professionals from Finland and Elite is handicapped by speaking English) within two months how highly educated foreigners are struggling to learn Finnish and to integrate to Finland. I have personal experience working abroad speaking the local language in Spain and not speaking the local language in Poland. I think that knowing the local language is the key for adaptation to any society. I have witnessed how foreigners can adapt to a new country by getting to know other foreigners who speak the same non local language. Also friendships are formed with locals if they speak that foreign language. Then a foreigner might even feel that learning the local language is not necessary.

On the other hand if you oblige the locals to speak a foreign language with the foreigners then locals are handicapped depending on their level of fluency in the foreign language. Is it fair to make 10 locals speak foreign language to accommodate one foreigner to the group? Or would it be fair for the foreigner to learn the local language in order to join the group of 10 locals? Either way language learning effort is needed.

If you end up moving to a foreign country and learn the local language you are still likely going to be seen as a foreigner because of the accent in your speech. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Early winter

24th of November in Kauniainen
Last April I wrote how winter never seemed to end. This year the winter arrived early on November and the landscape was fully covered with snow but two days later the snow is gone. I had a reunion with a Spanish exchange student friend from Ankara. 12 years had passed since we said good bye in Turkey. She came for a holiday to Finland and was lucky to witness the landscape fully covered with snow.

Friday, November 1, 2024

How to recognize a Finnish backyard

Market place of Kauniainen as a backyard
There are two classical pieces what you see especially in the backyards of old apartment buildings and row houses in Finland.  One of them is a rack for whipping rugs and other is a drying rack for clothes. These are not completely forgotten in the new buildings but they are not always part of the backyard. I believe these pieces are not used much nowadays but you can still spot the rusty metallic structures in the backyards. The space could be used for something else or be made more esthetic by removing the old rusty racks.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Nature destinations in the capital area of Finland

During the summer and Autumn I have visited four nature destinations inside the capital area. In Finland you can find nature reserves inside the urban areas which are worth visiting for tourists and locals. All the destinations listed below can be easily reached by public transportation. 

Autumn view from Kasavuori

Kasavuori is a nature reserve in Kauniainen. The name means mountain in English but in fact it is just a hill 66 meters above the sea level. In the highest spot you can find a view over the highway leading to Turku. The forest is mostly pines and spruces but you can find also trees with leaves.

The Glims river

By the river of Glims there is a path following the river surrounded by trees all the way to an old house museum with some farm animals. The 3 kilometers long path starts from the recently renovated old mansion of Träskända.

The view spot in the central park of Espoo
Espoon keskuspuisto - The central park of Espoo is the biggest area to be explored out of these four destinations. You can find areas with trees with leaves, swamps, areas with pines and spruces. Especially I like exploring the area by following the small paths.

The wooden path in Laajalahti

Villa Elfvik is an old mansion surrounded by a forest where you can find cafeteria and exhibition about Finnish nature. The mansion is inside the nature Reserve of Laajalahti which is by the sea. The area is especially interesting for bird spotting and you can find a bird tower on the shore to look over the bay.

My previous suggestion to visit in the capital of Finland: Roihuvuori

Monday, September 2, 2024

Reading list 2024

Below listed the 23 books that I have read since publishing my previous list. I have highlighted 5 books which stood out the most in my opinion.

Bregman, Rutger - Humankind: A hopeful history

Casanova, Giacomo - Elämäni tarina 7 - 8

Diaz, Hernan - Luotto

Epstein, David - Range how generalists triumph in specialized world

Foster Wallace, David - Tennisesseet

Herrera, Yuri - Kartellin trubaduuri

Ibrahimović, Zlatan - Adrenaliini: ennenkuulemattomat tarinani

Itkonen, Juha - Ihmettä kaikki

Itkonen, Juha - Teoriani perheestä

Kahneman, Daniel - Noise: A flaw in human judgement

Kwik, Jim - Rajoittamaton: päivitä aivosi, opi nopeammin

Manson, Mark - Kaikki menee päin helvettiä: nurinkurinen kirja toivosta

Manson, Mark - Will

Mykkänen, Erkka - Sellainen mies

Pilecki, Witold - Vapaaehtoisena Auschwitziin: vastarintaliikkeen solouttautujan uskomaton tarina

Pulkkinen, Riikka - Raja

Pöppönen, Hannu - Nippu pesoja ja muita kertomuksia Argentiinasta

Saahko, Lotta-Sofia - Koti kulttuurien välissä

Siltala, Juha - Keskiluokan nousu, lasku ja pelot

Torkki, Juhana - Dion prusalainen onnellisuudesta

Torkki, Juhana - Plutarkhos mielen tyyneydestä

Vahvanen, Pekka - Kone kaikkivaltias: Kuinka digitalisaatio tuhoaa kaiken meille arvokkaan

Ypi, Lea - Vapaa: kuinka kasvoin aikuiseksi maailman luhistuessa

The previous list from 2023

Friday, August 9, 2024

The king's oak and The great field

Street view from Kuninkaantammi

I have visited recently two new neighbourhoods in the capital area of Finland. the one in Helsinki is called Kuninkaantammi in English The King's oak. and in Espoo Suurpelto in English The great field. Both neighbourhoods have been criticized for being isolated because there is no short distance train or metro connection, lack of parking space, lack of services nearby and empty plots which are still under development. The positive sides are schools and day care centres for families. Moving inside the both neighbourhoods is designed for walking or cycling. I liked a lot the overall look and atmosphere of Kunikaantammi, the round shapes, green areas and the architecture gives vibes from the medieval cities. As Suurpelto is more like typical square blocks with modern buildings. Though Suurpelto is attractive for English speakers because there is an international school where studies are in English. You can also find one of the three Angry Birds playgrounds in Suurpelto.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The most expensive house of Kauniainen

Listed house
My home city Kauniainen is known as a city where wealthy people live in Finland. I moved here 4 years ago. In Kauniainen you can find many very nice and expensive private houses but also regular apartment buildings. Recently I spotted that probably the most expensive house of Kauniainen is on sale for 5,7 million euros. The house is built 2021 and the only house in Kauniainen with a private beach by a small lake. The price of the house is not actually very high if you compare to other western countries but for a house in Finland it is very expensive. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lunch or beer

In Finland having a lunch buffet during the workweek is common practice. Emploeyrs are allowed to give a lunch benefit of 13,5 euros per workday for their employees which often determines the price of the lunch. The lunch price also includes also a drink but if you want to have a beer with your lunch which is not common in Finland you have to pay for the beer almost 10 euros. For example celebrity cook Kape Aihinen has critized the buffet culture because serving lunch doesn't bring much income to his restaurants. He explained that main reason for him to serve the lunch is to be able to offer work for his employees also during the day and keep them that way more satisfied. Aihinen mentioned also that a great sommelier is very valuable for a restaurant. My conclusion is that lunch is cheap and beer is expensive for the consumer. Which makes selling alcohol profitable business and selling lunch very low margin profit business.

Friday, May 17, 2024

J Balvin in Helsinki


Colombian Reggeaton artist J Balvin held a concert in Ice hockey arena of Helsinki and drew a crowd of 5200 people. J Balvin started the concert with his hit song "Mi Gente" and the people sitting on the benches stood up and started to dance like the people on the floor in front the stage. The people danced through the whole concert. The atmosphere flattened when the end was approaching and J Balvin was asking people to request their fevourite songs. Also the reporter of Helsingin Sanomat made the same remark. There wasn't a clear answer from the crowd and I was wondering does he usually get a clear response from the crowd. The atmosphere went up again for the encore ending with song "In Da Ghetto". Four years ago Maluma held also a concert in Helsinki and attracted about same size crowd. The big reggeaton artists cannot yet attract as big crowds as the popular Finnish artists who have sold out 30 000 people stadium concerts.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Returning winter

April 20th in Espoo
Winter turns to Spring slowly in Finland. Last night the snow covered the landscape for the second time this spring also known as "takatalvi" in Finnish. When the warmer spring weather is delayed you often wish to be in a warmer country. Though the winter darkness is already gone and the bright days are long. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Investing in real estate occupied by squatters in Spain

I listened a podcast episode by Wall Street Wolverine where real estate investor Pau Antó explains how he deals with squatters also know as "okupas" in Spain. Many people consider owning property very risky in Spain because the local law protects the habitants of the residence. I wrote for example blog post about it called "how to live for free in Spain". Still Antó has invested in real estate properties which were occupied by squatters. He classified squatters in three categories: squatters who see occupying a residence as a right, squatters who do business by occupying residences and squatters who do it because they don't have any other way to find a roof on top of their head.

Antó explained how you have to negotiate with the squatters before you invest in the property. Often you need to pay the squatters some thousands of euros to make a deal with them. You have to be able to trust their word, because legal contracts don't weigh much in their case. In Barcelona there is a valued neighborhood with good location called Grácia, where some buildings have been occupied for years and would interest investors. Still reaching a deal with squatters has been impossible and the buildings remain occupied. For example buildings where there are living squatters from different ethnic groups makes negotiating complicated. For the landlards Antó adivces to always have an insurance in case the tenant doesn't pay the rent.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Does eating in a lunch buffet help muscle gain?

Last year on March I went to InBody body composition analysis. 9 months later on December, I went to the same analysis to see the results. I kept my training regime the same as before the 1st analysis but I started to eat more by eating in the lunch buffet 3 times a week. Eating enough to gain mass has been a challange for me. The result was that I gained weight 2,5 KG. My muscle mass increased 0,6 KG and fat mass increased 1,7 KG. Which means that the rest of the difference was water. During the 9 month period I would have liked to have longer training sessions. I felt that it would be nice to train more. Basically I ate too much or I should have trained more in order to avoid gaining fat mass. My conclusion is that gaining muscle mass is tough.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Lack of workforce

In the Finnish media there is a discussion going on how workforce is needed in Finland. Many politicians say that Finland needs more immigrants but in the same time there are educated immigrants in Finland who say that how difficult it is to get a job in Finland. Often the lack of fluency in Finnish leanguage makes entering the workforce difficult, especially in the white collar jobs. Reasons what I have not seen discussed in media why Finland is not attracting highly educated and skilled workforce is progressive income taxation and comparatevily low income level. If you are a top earner in Finland you take care of your own house work for example take care of the garden in the summer, clean the snow in the winter, clean your house, take care of your kids etc. In India or in Colombia you might get paid about the same in similar level job but you can afford to pay someone else to take care of these kind of things. One with high level of income can think is it nicer live with benefits of a society with low income level differences or in a society with high income level differences.